Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cookies and Cream

Hi y'all~! Cookie's here with me today~!


She's not very... outspoken a lot of the time. She's very shy...

Am not.

Oh shush. Anywho~! So the two of us are gonna do a blog postie for those of you who bother to read this! What have we done this evening, Cookie, dear~?

Butchered our nails.

Ah, yes. But we cleaned up most of the mess!!! It's not that bad... Heh... Cookie's sister just showed me her... doll... thing peeing and then tooted... awkward... So glad she can't read calligraphy, as the text shows up on this computer. I'm pretty sure that my computer is the only one that doesn't show up quite so cursive... Not that I have a problem with that.

I don't really know why we came on here in the first place.

OH! News! That new blog for my muses? Yeah, screw that idea. Now it's gonna be used for Cookie and I! So that we can stay connected for once instead of having to find time every couple of months to try and call each other only to find out the other is busy and can't answer the phone or something like that... Yeah... Not fun. So anyway! Yup! You'll have two useless lives to read about! The new blog's going to be called Manor Prosa. It's a Latin word that means prose which is... Well yeah just look it up in the dictionary. I'm too lazy to explain such a simple word to you all...

Cookie stop looking it up in the dictionary.

Prose. Ahem. It means "unversified language. esp. as a form of literature; plain speech. v.i. talk tediously." Did you know that "proselyte" means gentile conversion to Jewish faith?

Uh... No I didn't..? Because I would totally know what "proselyte" means...

Excuse me while we bicker over if Cookie said "i" or "a."
-Cookie and Cream
Currently Here
Boys: Soturi, Kyo
Girls: Mikael, Amira, Megumi

Monday, November 21, 2011


Last night he hit me.

Now my head won't stop ringing.
Currently Here
Boys: Soturi
Girls: Sparrow

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Speak of the Devil

Wanna hear an awkward story? Of course you do.

Last night I went to the pool with Darlene. It was seriously fun. We started talking about my weird relationship with Jones and all this stuff and I explained things to her.

You probably know now where this is going from the title.

So I dragged her up to the five meter... And then there was Jones. Damn he's attractive. But his necklace was missing... He use to wear this silver chain all the time. I never saw him without it before. But he seems a little different... A little less full of himself.

As you can guess, it was awkward. Really, really, painfully awkward. At least he said hi first? I asked him about rugby... He asked how I'd been... It was so painfully awkward. I've never felt quite so awkward in my life. I just knew I had to get out of there and soon. There was this really tense moment of silence, then I just bolted off the board. It was awful and so, so, soooo awkward. But don't you worry! The story gets worse~!

If that wasn't enough, Jones began avoiding me quite obviously. He couldn't even look at me. He wouldn't go on the diving boards if I was there. He would never pass those up! He lived for tricks. He's learned a few more, too.

He was there with... Ah, I need new nicknames...

Well, anyway, he was there with some people who are also my friends. They stopped to talk to me and they had been heading to the diving boards. Jones actually climbed over the rope fence thingie in order to not walk past me and get to the diving boards.

What the Hell.

So Darlene and I went up to the diving boards again later, once I'd talked to one of my friend about how guilty I feel about the break up. I lied to him about why I broke up with him, just wanting a clean break... But my friend said that Jones probably didn't care, that it was fine and all was forgotten. Not exactly, though, considering the awkwardness. My friend said that I shouldn't worry about it, that if I want to say something, I could and Jones would likely shrug the whole thing off.

So, anyway, Darlene and I went up to the diving boards and ran into Jones, of course. I acted like nothing was weird... Jones took one look at me, then pointedly put his arm out to block me both getting onto the platform and/or talking to him. Rude much?

Then I try to talk to him and he just runs away! I jumped off the board quickly after him and he just bolts for the hot tub. Seriously?! All I wanted was to talk! To say sorry!

Boys are so frustrating when their egos have been hurt.

Later I ran into Jones' best friend. Or ex-best friend, as I should say. They had a fallout over a girl, got into a fight about something stupid, and now they aren't talking. It was building up, though, something I could tell when I would hang out with the two of them. Jones always bossed him around, since Jones always had to be right. I explained to him about how Jones had been acting... He understood way better. It was so relaxed talking to him, too! I got a lot out of it. I really want to confront Jones and explain to him that I only broke up with him because he was being so overbearing and that I got scared. Not that I had played him, like I had said in order to get a clean break. It was messy... I want to patch things up, try and be friends. I really feel guilty.

And I wonder why he acted like he did... If he'd forgotten about me and gotten over it, wouldn't he have been nicer? Honestly, it felt like we'd only just broken up. That fresh awkwardness when you run into a new ex about a week later, even though it's been so long. I really want to know what's going on in his head! Be friend or something...

Damn him for being so sensitive. Maybe I'll get a chance eventually to clear things up.
Currently Here
Boys: Soturi, Kyo
Girls: Amira, Megumi, Mikael, Sparrow

Friday, November 18, 2011


Right! Few things to cover, but first thing's first!

Darlene! She's a really great friend of mine that I seem to have failed to mention on this blog. She's coming over in roughly twenty minutes to spend the night and tomorrow and it's gonna be a blast! We plan to jam and dance and have awesome fun. She's got a blog with Jack, but she doesn't post much. Not that I can say anything... I don't write every day like I promised, either. Hypocritical much? Well, y'all know me by now.

Anyway, so we're hanging out!

Another note, Poseidon and I were talking about making a band. I've wanted to make one since I was in grade six and I can play a variety of instruments. I've written a couple songs, not that they're anything too special, and have always got some tune or other in my head. I have a good feeling about it. I'd add the reason we've started to do this... but it's connected to a secret that cannot be revealed until a later time!

More to come, obviously.

I was going to add something else... Something important... Can't remember.

On another hand, I've got more appointments for the doctor. Going to see her on December 1st and I'll be in the hospital on the 5th getting some experiments done.

SO! That sums things up. One other thing, but I can't remember it...

Aha, I remember! The new blog! It will be happening, but I'll likely keep posting here, as well. Just a head's up! Once I figure some stuff out on it, I'll put the link up.
Currently Here
Boys: Kyo, Soturi, Neji, Mikael (1)
Girls: Amira, Megumi, Mikael (2), Sparrow, Tenten

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So I've been doing some thinking... No, not the bad kind. Just the skimming kind.

We had an assembly in school today about internet risks and stuff... Venting's not good on the internet... My blog's a huge threat to my safety... Blah, blah blah. Stuff I already knew and didn't really care about, but had still been bothering me. I'm thinking of abandoning this blog (though I love it so, so much) and starting a new one for my muses. Posts will be coded according to which of my muses is writing. And the title will be the name of each muse. This satisfies my muses and keeps them calm and also allows me to write all sorts of things. The blog will basically be a direct look into the twisted workings of my warped mind.

Interesting? I'd like to think so. I'd certainly be intrigued to actually see what my muses have to say about living in my lil' ol' head. I'll likely only use long-standing muses; like Sparrow, Soturi, Megumi, Mikael, Kyo, and perhaps Amira. Others might pop up here and there, but you know how it is. Or not. Whatever.

Thoughts? Comment if you have them and are intrigued. If I go through with it, I'll definitely post a link to it on this blog as a closing post.
Currently Here
Boys: Soturi, Kyo
Girls: Mikael, Amira, Megumi

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I'm so tired of my father. I was finally cheered up from our previous fight when he barged into my room and demanded I stop talking to Care Bear and go speak to "your mother and I" immediately. We had another yelling fight... It's hard not to hate him.

At least mom understands.

Anyway... I've got a pile of tissues, my favourite sad song (The Hill from the movie Once, which I have never seen, but really want to) on repeat, mom getting me something to drink and comforting me, and Poseidon, Care Bear, and Cookie all comforting me. I'm extremely thankful that I have them... I don't know if I could survive without them.
Well. Haven't written in a while... But today I am particularly miffed. Lucky you.

Quite a bit has happened... I finally went to the doctor to see about what's wrong with me. And they don't know either. So now they're going to experiment on me. Yay! They want to see if it's my lungs (incase it's athletic induced asthma) or my heart. I'm pretty sure that it's both, but whatever. So I have to use a puffer before I do anything athletic for a month and see what that does. And I got an ECG done to monitor my heart rate shortly, see if it's irregular. I'm also going to get this other monitor thing for 24 hours, again to monitor my heart beat. I'm supposed to go for a run with it, apparently. Then they're going to make me breath in a bunch of gasses and see what happens...

Yeah. Fun times over here.

I did poorly on a math test recently... Dad just got through shouting at me. Cried a bit. But Kare Bear cheered me right on up, since she spoke to me as soon as I opened my computer. She's so silly. Love that girl~! And my mom just came in to talk it over with me. She promised never to bring up school work at the dinner table again.

Oh, yeah. The whole fight happened during dinner. Then he stormed out.

There's a reason why I hate Christmas, and it has to do with my dad. When I was, say, about seven, I still loved Christmas. Even though my cousins tormented me, I still loved the presents and getting together with family. I loved the idea of Santa and gifts and holiday cheer. Now, I hate all of that. I don't believe in it anymore. It's all just a facade. Underneath, we can't stand each other. We've already thought up a thousand and one insults by the time the turkey's in the oven and our ego's are suffering extreme abuse. As you may have learned, my dad's got a pretty sensitive one.

Dad's a big athlete. He was even more so at the time. If he didn't swim at the same time every day, he was convinced that he would be set back a huge amount. My aunt and uncle were arriving with their seven sons soon and my dad wanted to go swimming. He didn't exactly get along with them. My oma, however, wanted him to stay until the family got settled in, after which he would be free to go. The entire thing was immature and silly, to be honest, and it was forty below outside.

As each party grew more insistent, finally a fuse blew. My oma shouted at my dad, "Well I hope you break your head!" On Christmas eve. Right in front of me.

Of course, dad wasn't exactly happy. He grabbed all his bags, since he never really unpacks, said goodbye, and abandoned my mom and me there. I didn't think he would ever come back. My oma showed no signs of guilt and kept muttering curses against him under her breath. I, of course, decided the best thing to do was to run outside in the blizzard in just my pjs and little boots after my dad. Mom ran after me... My mom and dad got in a huge fight, but dad still left. He didn't come back for hours and that's all that I can remember. Ever since, I've had a complete and utter loathing for Christmas and the entire "family thing." I also think that traditional social behaviours are a waste of time, since we're all faking it anyway. Still, there's a level of decency.

Not even I'm low enough to abandon all civility.