Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So I've been doing some thinking... No, not the bad kind. Just the skimming kind.

We had an assembly in school today about internet risks and stuff... Venting's not good on the internet... My blog's a huge threat to my safety... Blah, blah blah. Stuff I already knew and didn't really care about, but had still been bothering me. I'm thinking of abandoning this blog (though I love it so, so much) and starting a new one for my muses. Posts will be coded according to which of my muses is writing. And the title will be the name of each muse. This satisfies my muses and keeps them calm and also allows me to write all sorts of things. The blog will basically be a direct look into the twisted workings of my warped mind.

Interesting? I'd like to think so. I'd certainly be intrigued to actually see what my muses have to say about living in my lil' ol' head. I'll likely only use long-standing muses; like Sparrow, Soturi, Megumi, Mikael, Kyo, and perhaps Amira. Others might pop up here and there, but you know how it is. Or not. Whatever.

Thoughts? Comment if you have them and are intrigued. If I go through with it, I'll definitely post a link to it on this blog as a closing post.
Currently Here
Boys: Soturi, Kyo
Girls: Mikael, Amira, Megumi

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