Thursday, December 1, 2011


My health's alright, I guess. It's certainly been... Better. The doctor has ruled out asthma and my birth control pills as the cause. They think there's a good possibility it's simply a manifestation of my stress. I'll be going into the Hospital on Monday and again in a month for more tests. I got a blood test done today, too, but we're still waiting on those results.

Today I had an... Attack, I guess, during class. It felt like a giant had grabbed me and was crushing all the air out of my lungs. It was terrifying. I ran outside and tried to catch my breath, but I've been dizzy and have had a migraine since. It's gotten worse and better in waves.

More updates later.

The new blog for Cookie and I will be started. I'll give the link to it once we start posting, too. This blog will be abandoned in favour of the other. But y'all can still follow me and my sister over there! It'll be wonderful, psycho times on the other side at Manor Prosa.

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