Monday, September 26, 2011


Ok, SO! I totally have neglected this blog, but it shall not die! I'll turn it into something other than a journal if I have to, yup yup. But this will contain posts of mumbo jumbo one way or another. Now then for the general update...

Girlfriend; everything's good. Probably gonna go see a movie this weekend.

Friends; solid.

Cookie; shaky, but improving. I think...

So there's your general summary of anything important. Other than, of course, my dreams. Which are weird. As always. For the first time in a long time, I had a good dream. I was hanging out with Poseidon in my room (which was my old room before I remodelled) and it was the middle of summer, so everything was in rich colors. It was nice... We were just hanging out and teasing each other and bickering. He found one of my joke gifts from my birthday and was teasing me about it, so I tried to push him over, but it didn't really work. When he finally let me push him over, he pulled me down with him and we crashed on my bed laughing. In that dream I was the happiest and most carefree I have been in quite a while. When I woke up this morning, I felt tired and more exhausted than I have in ages. I still feel like that.
Currently Here
Boys: Neji
Girls: Tenten, Megumi, Kira, Kimi, Jasmine
Dormant: Anime/Manga muses, Amarina

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fire and Ice

So! Some new stuff! I'm going to make this quick, though, since I've got a headache... Well, I plan to make this quick. But we all know how that ends~.

First up, Aphrodite is adorable. Seriously, it's not even funny how adorable she is. She's just... Ah~! So cute~! She was freaking out the other day over the fact we hadn't talked in a while and saying how she's just so nervous about messing up our relationship. She's so silly~. She could never mess up with me, I swear. Even if she cheated on me, all I'd do is ask what I wasn't doing right to cause it and try to fix that. Ah, so cute~! Hopefully I'll be able to take her to a movie this weekend. I'm thinking Shark Night? She likes horror.

Another note, I'm repairing things with Cookie. She made the first step by subtly saying that she knows we're growing apart and she wants to fix it. She didn't outright say it, but close enough, considering I still have the magical ability to pick up on her hints. So I'm hoping that I'll be able to have a sleepover with her in the near future. Maybe Saturday night, if Aphrodite isn't able to stay late? We'll see.

Thirdly is that it's one of my friend's sixteenth birthday today! I haven't mentions her yet, but she's awesome. I'm gonna call her... Hmmm... Batwoman? She does love Batman... Nah, not quite right. I'm actually tempted to nickname her after Lights, since she looks so much like her. But maybe not. Hmm... A name, a name, I need a name!

I'll keep thinking and come back to this.

Now, I was about to write about how this girl in my drama class has an extremely awesome name. But that would include telling you the name! And since I can't tell you that for privacy reasons, this entire paragraph has become pointless.

I'm going to nickname my friend mentioned previously Lion, because that's one of Lights' songs and I'm watching a football game at the moment. And one of the only football teams I know is the Lions.

... There is a football team called the Lions, right?

Anyway, it's Lion's sixteenth today! Tomorrow I'm going to her place at six for her little party thing. But I still haven't bought her present! Small panic attack here! At least I know what I want to buy her? Maybe I can ask my mom to pick up a sketch book and some nice pencils on her way home from work? I hate spending money lately because dad's getting a surgery for his jaw that's going to cost about 4,000 dollars.

Kinda expensive.

But it's her sweet sixteen! And Lion does love drawing... Haa, so annoying. Anyway, sketch book at the least. We'll see about the pencils.

Lastly, I'm getting a lot of migraines lately. To say the least, it's a very full house up in here. So much noise... Why won't my muses just stop arguing?
Currently Here
Boys: Neji, Sasuke
Girls: Tenten
Dormant: Amarina, Clare, Galatea, Hinata, Helen, Kakashi, Kyo, Len, Lenka, Liz, Maka, Megumi, Naruto, Neji, Rin, Sasuke, Soul, Tsubaki, Yuto

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lesbians and Honey

Ok, so, I haven't written in a while. But I'm writing now! Ain't y'all proud of me~? SO! What's new? not much, I guess, considering it's only been a week.

Well, maybe there's more than that.

So I kinda reeeeeally like Aphrodite. A lot. And so on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning, I told her how I felt. And she likes me, too! So I have a girlfriend now, I think. I'm going to take her on her dream date (horror movie, belgium waffles, and stargazing) and hopefully I will be able to be the corny, dorky girl that'll make her happy.

I'm really nervous. Aphrodite has never been in a real relationship before and she's never had a first kiss. Well... She was dating Wolfe, but as we all know, Wolfe's gay. So it doesn't really count all that much. But yeah, she's really scared to be in a relationship. She's so insecure and thinks she'll do something to upset me... But she never could. Hell, she could cheat on me and I would forgive her. All I want is for her to be herself! To relax and laugh and cry and just be with me. I want to be there for everything... But I'm so nervous. And not just because she'll be a lot of work.

I've put a lot of thought into why I'm bisexual and I've figure out a few things.

1) I'm more a lesbian than I am straight

2) Lesbians covered in honey are sexy

3) My sexuality is due to scarring through my life

I'm not gonna get into detail, but let's just say I reeeeeally hate perverts with a burning passion and I'm uncomfortable around men in general. And if I get yelled at, it hurts more than if someone were to hit me. Doesn't matter what it's about, but I take anger really seriously. I can't handle people being mad at me, it makes me want to hide.

On another note, Cookie and I...

I just don't know anymore where we stand. And it worries me. A lot. I feel like we're getting really far apart. I dunno, I feel like I don't really know her anymore and that she can't seem to understand me as much. It's like we're going through the motions.

It's reached the point where I don't even know what to say. Even my muses are at a loss. Amarina can't offer advice, and even Sparrow's saying she doesn't know.

And another note! Care Bear? She's got goodpasture's syndrome. She's had it ever since she was a kid and I've known for a long time, but... It's just really worrying me lately. The fact that she might be in pain, that she always had to go to the hospital to get treatments and check ups and tests and so on and so forth... I just worry.

Worry, worry, worry... I worry a lot.

"Worry will not seem to leave my mind alone."
Currently Here
Boys: Kyo, Naruto, Neji, Sasuke, Soturi, Talon
Girls: Angel, Amarina, Megumi, Sparrow, Tenten