Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lesbians and Honey

Ok, so, I haven't written in a while. But I'm writing now! Ain't y'all proud of me~? SO! What's new? not much, I guess, considering it's only been a week.

Well, maybe there's more than that.

So I kinda reeeeeally like Aphrodite. A lot. And so on Tuesday night / Wednesday morning, I told her how I felt. And she likes me, too! So I have a girlfriend now, I think. I'm going to take her on her dream date (horror movie, belgium waffles, and stargazing) and hopefully I will be able to be the corny, dorky girl that'll make her happy.

I'm really nervous. Aphrodite has never been in a real relationship before and she's never had a first kiss. Well... She was dating Wolfe, but as we all know, Wolfe's gay. So it doesn't really count all that much. But yeah, she's really scared to be in a relationship. She's so insecure and thinks she'll do something to upset me... But she never could. Hell, she could cheat on me and I would forgive her. All I want is for her to be herself! To relax and laugh and cry and just be with me. I want to be there for everything... But I'm so nervous. And not just because she'll be a lot of work.

I've put a lot of thought into why I'm bisexual and I've figure out a few things.

1) I'm more a lesbian than I am straight

2) Lesbians covered in honey are sexy

3) My sexuality is due to scarring through my life

I'm not gonna get into detail, but let's just say I reeeeeally hate perverts with a burning passion and I'm uncomfortable around men in general. And if I get yelled at, it hurts more than if someone were to hit me. Doesn't matter what it's about, but I take anger really seriously. I can't handle people being mad at me, it makes me want to hide.

On another note, Cookie and I...

I just don't know anymore where we stand. And it worries me. A lot. I feel like we're getting really far apart. I dunno, I feel like I don't really know her anymore and that she can't seem to understand me as much. It's like we're going through the motions.

It's reached the point where I don't even know what to say. Even my muses are at a loss. Amarina can't offer advice, and even Sparrow's saying she doesn't know.

And another note! Care Bear? She's got goodpasture's syndrome. She's had it ever since she was a kid and I've known for a long time, but... It's just really worrying me lately. The fact that she might be in pain, that she always had to go to the hospital to get treatments and check ups and tests and so on and so forth... I just worry.

Worry, worry, worry... I worry a lot.

"Worry will not seem to leave my mind alone."
Currently Here
Boys: Kyo, Naruto, Neji, Sasuke, Soturi, Talon
Girls: Angel, Amarina, Megumi, Sparrow, Tenten

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