Monday, September 26, 2011


Ok, SO! I totally have neglected this blog, but it shall not die! I'll turn it into something other than a journal if I have to, yup yup. But this will contain posts of mumbo jumbo one way or another. Now then for the general update...

Girlfriend; everything's good. Probably gonna go see a movie this weekend.

Friends; solid.

Cookie; shaky, but improving. I think...

So there's your general summary of anything important. Other than, of course, my dreams. Which are weird. As always. For the first time in a long time, I had a good dream. I was hanging out with Poseidon in my room (which was my old room before I remodelled) and it was the middle of summer, so everything was in rich colors. It was nice... We were just hanging out and teasing each other and bickering. He found one of my joke gifts from my birthday and was teasing me about it, so I tried to push him over, but it didn't really work. When he finally let me push him over, he pulled me down with him and we crashed on my bed laughing. In that dream I was the happiest and most carefree I have been in quite a while. When I woke up this morning, I felt tired and more exhausted than I have in ages. I still feel like that.
Currently Here
Boys: Neji
Girls: Tenten, Megumi, Kira, Kimi, Jasmine
Dormant: Anime/Manga muses, Amarina

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