Friday, August 19, 2011

Perverts, Cats, and Musicals

For the past while I have been at my Oma and Opa's farm. I had a glitchy phone that wouldn't send messages, no TV, no internet, no board games, no video games, no one to talk to, no animals to tend, no chores to do, and raging migraines. On the first day I stabbed a nail through my foot chasing after my cousin and couldn't walk. On the second day I was teased mercilessly about this and taunted from where I was deposited in the living room, unable to move for fear of paralyzing my leg from the pain of putting pressure on my foot. On the third day, I went to meet my cousin, then I went shopping and got in a huge fight with my mother. I've never been homesick before, but I cried myself to sleep every night from how much I miss all my friend back home. I'm too scared to do that at my aunt's: somebody might hear me.

The good things would be that I managed to fix my glitchy phone and was able to text after the third day, that I got new clothes, and that my cousin (who is 35 years old and has three sons) is actually a really cool person. Oh, and my bedroom was the attic.

I watched old musicals all day and looked after my cousin.

I've developed a loathing for cats after my Oma's pet got her blasted fur all over my new clothes and my new, favourite John Legend shirt I bought at the concert.

I've been a little depressed and immensely guilty, because after the concert there was a boy walking with his father. He was clearly bullied at school, from the look of him, and his father was shouting at him and shaking him. His father was saying what a disgrace he was and that if he ever behaved like that again, he would be locked at home every evening. I knew I should've said something, anything. When I saw that, I instantly knew that that was a kid who would grow up to become suicidal, or worse.

I wish I'd said something...

Anyway, now my mother's gone and we've picked up my perverted grandfather from the airport. First thing he does when he sees me is compliment me on the baggiest piece of clothing I own. The only thing it does for me is make my boobs stand out a bit. It's absurdly comfortable and I love it, but he has the nerve to compliment me on my breasts?! He is my grandfather! It's improper and, frankly, makes me feel slimy.

I've never wanted somebody out of my life before who was related to me, but I certainly want nothing to do with him, since he insists on this behaviour.

Furthermore, when we got to my Aunt and Uncle's, he had the audacity to stare at my ass while I carry mine and my father's things upstairs! I'm in a foul mood, to say the least, and am dreading the rest of this damned holiday. At least I can rage on my blog and talk to Care Bear online plenty, as well as text her when I'm away from the screen.
Currently Here
Boys: Neji, Kyo, Sasuke, Soturi, Talon
Girls: Amarina, Angel, Megumi, Melina, Sparrow, Tenten

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