Friday, October 21, 2011


It's starting to get cold again. I'm curious when the snow will be coming. The mountain berries outside my house are the biggest they've ever been in my life. It'll be a harsh winter... Last year was bad enough... But there's more berries than when we had the blizzard in 1996. Hmm... Well, I guess that we'll just have to see.

But I'm not writing to just post about the weather.

Yesterday my opa, or grandpa, was sent to the hospital. He has a hole in his bowels, which is extremely painful. Considering it's him, he's probably been suffering for a while. He collapsed and actually told my oma to call an ambulance, something he wouldn't do even if he broke an arm or leg. He'd just set it himself, get a splint in place, and find a way to go back to working. That's the type of guy he is. My oma is very weak, more mentally than physically. She's been sitting by the phone in a daze, not eating or taking her medicine, something that's extremely important because she has cancer. My aunt, uncle, and cousin, whom I'll refer to as Gladiator, stayed there with her the entire day. But they have to go to Disney World, so they can't look after her and the farm while my opa's recovering from his surgery, if he makes it through.

Before you think that it's absurd my aunt, uncle, and cousin are going to Disney World while this has happened, let me explain. Gladiator has autism. This means he doesn't understand the situation. And saying that they have to cancel the trip just isn't something they can do, since he wouldn't understand why they have to cancel. He gets really excited about trips like this, so I suspect he's been going on about it for at least a month of two, counting down the days until they leave. I love Gladiator to bits and pieces, and I've been looking after him since he was born whenever my aunt needed a break. I want him to have fun in Disney World and come back to have more fun.

So since my dad's across the country for work... My mom flew out last night to go look after my oma and the farm. I'm left with my grandpa, the pervert, for the weekend until my dad gets back on sunday. Dad's also a pervert. I'm stuck with the two of them for an indeterminable amount of time. I get the feeling this is going to be hell.

I hope my opa gets better... That he makes it through the surgery.

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