Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I come to you, dear blog readers, to rant about a few things, just to solidify them in my mind and sort out what the hell I'm doing. So please, bare with me, for after there will be quite the interesting little hypocritical tyrant~! As expected from yours truly.

Now then! As you can probably tell from the title, I am very, very, very stressed out at the moment. A lot of people important to me are in the hospital or are being kept from me or are to go into the hospital before long. Also! I've got a lot of stress from student government at me school. Perhaps I will start at the beginning and work my way through? Sounds like an ideal plan to me. And since my judgement is the only one that matters around here today, this is what shall be done. I don't care if you've already heard it before! Now then, back to the ranting...

Firstly, Care Bear was in the hospital. I know she's out now, but she hasn't been feeling good lately, and I'm scared she'll relapse and be back in there. She's also decided she's going to get the second option for what to do about her condition: a bone marrow transplant through a donor that will potentially cure her. Or kill her. It's pretty even odds. So I'm scared for her safety, she's like my best friend, after all.

So the day that Care Bear is released, my opa collapses from pain. There's a hole in his bowels that he's been suffering from for quite some time and he actually tells my oma himself to call an ambulance. My opa is a very stubborn man who won't go to the hospital even if he breaks a bone. My mother is forced to fly out to take care of them, since no one else will. Now there's word of complications with the surgery! His knees are flaring up and he may have to go into surgery again to get that taken care of.

So I'm left in charge of the house, with dad across the country for work and my mom a province over to look after her mother and father. My grandpa, the perverted pig, is a huge slob that I am therefore responsible for, along with myself! Cleaning up after him and making sure he eats is enough work on its own! So I'm not eating right. Before long, I collapse in P.E., and la-ti-ta, now I feel like a pile of crap. Might even be getting sick yet again, which is something I really can't deal with.

Dad gets home! Tell him about Aphrodite and I dating... Went over well, actually. Mild relief to the stress... But I still can never tell my grandpa, something I'll get used to.

So dad's going into surgery tomorrow for his jaw and then I'll be left to look after both him and my grandpa and myself, something that's a feat all on its own. I don't know how my mom survives this on a daily basis, but I hope things are easier for her at the farm. So I've got to work three days a week, cook seven days a week, do laundry, wash dishes, entertain friends, entertain family, look after myself, clean the house every day, and a variety of other things! That alone is enough to drive me crazy.

Then there's the student government. I have to keep an eye on everything that goes on, since I'm the minister of student engagement. Making sure things are running smoothly and getting started on making notes on how to get the word out and be sure that events work out is really time consuming and difficult. But from what I can tell, the President has most things under control with the sports event, the Vice-Presidents have things under control with the Halloween events, and... Uh...

Crap I need a nickname. I'll give her a letter.

And S has things covered for Pyjama Day.

My co-minister has completely dropped from the government, so I'm handling the ministry on my own. I just hope I never have to meet the person. I'll call them Fish. Seriously, they are driving me up a wall, and I haven't even met them! Why apply to be a minister without even bothering to show up? I mean, seriously? All I know is that they're a senior! I don't even know if they're a girl or a guy, their name is in some weird language. Anyway, hope I don't meet them. Ever. Ugh.

Just overheard my dad talking about mom's condition at the farm and it's giving me a fresh wave of stress. On top of taking care of her mother and father, she has to look after the farm and deliver eggs. She has back problems, which is a huge issue. From what I understand, it's acting up again, and there's nothing she can do about it. She has to keep working, but if she does it'll send her into a world of pain.

Fuck my life.

Now for my tyrant against the female gender.

Yes, female gender. Not male. Shocker, I know.

Why do women stress so much? I mean, really! Lives would be so much easier without it. I envy guys, since they stress less. I think there's a statistic on it somewhere. And it's downright annoying how women stress so much. Can't they just relax and have a good time upon occasion? It's all work, no play. I feel like I should defend my gender, but I really count. Because we could do something about it, but I guess we're too wrapped up in ourself to even think about that for a second. And guy who read this, don't go saying that guys stress just as much as girls. That's a pathetic thing to get egotistical over. Seriously. Be proud of the fact that you can just be guys and tune out for a bit with your video games like COD or Minecraft or... I don't know, Assassin's Creed and Starcraft. Anyway, yeah. Lucky little bastards. Women and their emotions suck.

Peace out, wish me luck.
Currently Here
Boys: Neji, William, Griffin, Sasuke, Naruto, Soturi, ??, ??, Gui
Girls: Sparrow, "Mikael", Amarina, Tenten, Jasmine, ??, Megumi
Dormant: Kyo, Talon, Melina, Kimi, Hitari, Gumi

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