Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'm going to go ahead and blame science for this one. I've got a really bad migraine. I don't think I've had one this bad in a long time... When I was little, I'd get ones that would literally cripple me. They would be so bad, I couldn't stand up, the pain made me that weak. Ever since then, I've always had headaches constantly, and the occasional bad migraine. But this... It's a lot worse.

Stupid exam week.

Though it could be something else. Maybe I'm nervous? Though I rarely feel nervous... Hm. Well, it must be the fact that my life's a lot more pleasant lately. After finding out some comforting information, I'm a lot more confident. I can't really get into the information... It's about somebody else, so if I talk about it, then that would be betraying their trust and I'd absolutely hate to do that, they mean so much to me...

I really hope they can sort out their life. It's... Making me worry more than normal. Maybe that's the reason for my migraine. Probably. I typically get headaches and migraines when I worry too much... Which is hard not to do because I'm a little bit of a worrywart. I worry about my friends and their lives all the time. All I want is their happiness. Anything I can do to help, I do. I'll always go out of my way for them. I love my friend, they're my true family. My real family...

They're posers, to put it bluntly. It's not a family most of the time. Just a bunch of people living in the same house putting on a show for the neighbours. We smile, we kiss, we say "I love you, see you later!" like we mean it. And maybe they do, but I certainly don't. Not since I was little... Not since the fighting. I'll never forget those years of them yelling constantly, of when dad would storm out of the house and I'd worry about if he was going to come back. I knew the meaning of divorce before I knew the meaning of love. The only reason it hasn't happened is because it's far more appealing to stick to what you know. Human minds work like that.

At least, this is my opinion.

I've probably rambled enough this morning... I'll probably put up another entry later today, in the afternoon, and maybe another this evening. It depends on the goings of the day. For the most part, I expect a tedious day of studying, then a happy afternoon with friends. We'll see how it goes.

And we'll see how he's doing...

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