Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Midnight Ramble

My friend has convinced me that, just for the heck of it, I will write an entry tonight/this morning. I have started at 23:57... That's 11:57pm for those of you who don't understand army time. Anyway, I'm really happy right now. On Facebook I'm talking to some really awesome friends... But that's not why I'm writing.

I talked with my newest and true sister today, as well as my older one. I was frustrated with my older one... She said she needed to hang out, needed me to stay at her house Thursday (today) night. That she'd cry if the answer was no... When I told her it was alright, she was all smiles again. I'm like "WTF?". She's so two-faced sometimes... How could I have never noticed? But I'll give her the benefit of the doubt, as I always do. Maybe it was just the relief that made her giddy.

So me and my... Uh... This whole two sisters thing is getting weird. Ok, my older sister, the one I'm mad at, let's call her my little sister, because technically she's younger than me. And my newer one, she'll be my older sister.

Ok, so me and my older sister have this amazingly diabolical plan. I'm going to turn her into a pro at video games and she is totally going to kick her boyfriend and her best guy friend's butt at Halo! I think it'll end well. Really well. It's totally going to work. And then I'll teach her martial arts games. And COD. HA! Take that boys.

Mm. I have a feeling about this year... That this year is going to be full of drama and changes and discoveries. That I'm going to do a lot of things I'll regret for a while, but when I look back on them, I'll be glad I did. I get the feeling that this new story is going to start today. I feel optimistic.

I feel excited to live.

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