Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Is it selfish to want more from a relationship? Ok, I know I said I wasn't going to rant on this blog about my boyfriend or complain about him, but I am a teenage girl and can't really help it sometimes. So get over it. I'm going to rant!

I dunno what's wrong... Ok, that's lying. I do know. Full well. We've been together since April 11th and still haven't gone on a date. I guess it can't really be helped... We're both really busy. More like I'm really busy and he isn't really planning anything. We were going to go to a movie, but then he got sick. He'd only just getting better... I think he might be better now. So I guess it can't really be helped, but still! Ugh. I hate it. To be honest. What else that's wrong is that I'm not really getting what I need... Once again due to his getting sick! And it's kinda my fault, too... I was sick before he was. Which got in the way. I really need a relationship where it's openly affectionate. But I'm not getting that affection, am I? Nooo. He hasn't kissed me since we started going out.

Wow I sound like a superficial girl. I should shut up now.

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