Saturday, May 7, 2011


So Poseidon and I have... Sorta worked things out. Sorta. We're gonna talk later and I'll probably post about that tonight, or edit this post. Anyway... Well, we may end the relationship for a while. He's not really sure he wants to be dating, what with so much drama in life. He has mixed feelings. I want to be with him, but not if that isn't what he wants. Dad raised me to know that guys need a lot of space and to respect that, no matter what it is that I want. I guess that's sorta made me awkward with relationships, always paranoid about doing something wrong or smothering the other person.

Anyway, just wanted to update. Things are... Ok. Poseidon and I are going to talk. I can take a deep breath. He's not mad... He's just disappointed and hurt.

On another note! I found out that my first ever best friend and true big sister is sorta in the same boat at me, only kinda worse. She was dating another guy for three weeks behind her official boyfriend's back. So when the secret relationship died, she felt extremely guilty. And, like me, she felt that she needed to be honest. So she told her boyfriend and he ended the relationship with her. She's really... Not ok right now. She feels so torn up. I want to be there for her, but I'm not sure what I can do for her. We don't really hang out much or talk much for that matter. I want to be there for her. She really wants to get back together with her ex, but he's starting to date another girl.

I hope she can find some way to work things out and be alright...


Well, Poseidon and I haven't exactly talked about what we're gonna do, but we're still together, I guess. Things aren't awkward... Far as I can tell. Just need space, y'know? Anyway... Yeah. Spend a good 10-ish hours with him today and a couple other guys. Twas fun! The guys are such dorks. But I wouldn't have them any other way. It'd be really weird if they weren't such dorks. Really, really weird.

Anyway, just posting to say... Things with Poseidon and I are... Not awkward... Not perfect... But ok.

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