Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I do believe I should tell you all that I am alive and recovering beautifully! The antibiotics are working wonders on my system and I do believe I am feeling roughly 50,000,000 times better than I did before. It's great! I'm happy and hyper constantly.

Anyway, another note... I'm hopeless? But when have I ever not been?

Yup, still hopeless.

Why? Wild guess!

If you guessed that I have a crazy ex boyfriend, am in love with a guy who can't get his head screwed on straight, and am thinking of totally jumping ship on the male gender, then you guessed right! No, you don't get a prize. What do you think this is? A well funded, first class blog with a shop and interesting entries? Think again!

Now, then, let me explain.

Jones or whatever I called him? He went crackers on Cookie when I broke up with him. Now he's constantly trying to talk to me? Eh, I was definitely right to break up with this guy. He's weird. Whenever I talk to him, it feels like there's slime on my skin and my gut tells me to get rid of him. Why did I even give this guy a shot? He's... Ah! He talks to me with this air of possessiveness and controlling attitude. Like he can order me around? He's always talked like this, and I'm only realizing it now that my head's above water. He's always demanding things! And it's just... Ugh. It's weird. And he tried to tell Cookie that I'd told him I'd never liked him and that I'd lied to him! Which he completely misunderstood and warped! It was like... Ah! I liked him, truly I did! And the lies were to make sure he wasn't upset! I would tell him I was busy with something so that I wouldn't drag down other people he'd be hanging out with when he wanted to be with me and I was in a foul mood or something. And I'd always try to be optimistic and sugar coat my criticisms, but that's just because he takes things to literally. Much more literally than I'd originally thought... Anyway, he's bad weird.

Yes, there's a bad weird. Weird has many levels. There's good weird, bad weird, funny weird, and weird. I'm good weird, funny weird is something you can find on Google, weird is, well, it's weird, and bad weird is what you get when you have a psycho ex!

Oh, yeah, so anyway, I still love Poseidon. But I guess we all should've known this already? I'll move on eventually, I guess, since I'll probably have to. It's nice being good friend with him, though, I have to admit. I guess we can sorta talk more freely? It's almost less awkward being exes than it was being a couple! So, anyway, yeah.

As for jumping ship... C'mon, hasn't any bisexual teen girl felt this at some point? Oh, wait, most teen girls aren't bisexual... Ok, well, haven't most teen girls ever thought that being single was better than a relationship at some point in their life? The majority of the male gender during high school just wants to get in your pants. It's like... I should just date girls! They want an actual relationship! So I'm tempted to just swing to being lesbian and only fool around with guys once in a while. It's a pretty solid plan. Plus, you can be more open with girls. If you're on your period and don't wanna do something, you can just flat out say it and not have to make up excuses!

So, yeah, that's my little rant of the very early morning...


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