Saturday, July 30, 2011

Jones Soda

I had an amazing day at the lake today with one of my old friends from swimming, whom I am going to refer to as Milk. It was really fun and we caught up on all sorts of important stuff, like our love lives, our social lives, the gossip in the swim group we no longer are a part of, and just life in general. I will never get over just how much fun I always seem to have with her every summer. We never really run out of things to talk about. The day would have been absolutely perfect, especially considering I got to have a Dr. Pepper, one of my favourite sodas, if not for one tini-tiny thing.

I happened to be spotted by Jones.

Before you jump to conclusions, Teddy, because I know you will, I didn't talk to him. In fact, I'm not 100% sure he saw me. I am, however, 100% sure that his friend, whom I will call Fred, did see me. There was a good five seconds worth of eye contact before I tried to hide my face in the back of the car I was in. Seeing those two was enough to remind me that not even the pool, the place that I feel most at home at, which I can't help but wonder if Poseidon remembers me saying, is no longer safe. It was obvious Jones and Fred had just come from the pool, or the library at the pool, and were headed back to Jones' place. Insert tired, stressed sigh here.

Just seeing him made me self conscious. Ugh. This is eating me from the inside. I think that going to Rock Ridge next week will help me clear out the slimy feeling I have inside. It's like just by having once been so close to him, I'm contaminated.

Now on to another topic. I say a lot of bad things about the male gender in general on here. This is not to say there aren't exceptions! And the people I refer to (typically Poseidon...) have plenty of amazing things about them that totally makes up for the bad. Thing is that, bad as the male population is, the female population is worse. This can all be summed up in one, simple statement.

Despite knowing all the bad things about guys, we still love 'em.

Yeah, we're idiots, but what can you do?

Some of the exceptions might be Jack, Teddy, Dionysus, Wolfe, and, yes, Poseidon's a great guy, too, though he has his faults. All of them do, regrettably, but I just take their faults and I get over them. All their faults just highlight the good parts about them, anyway. Let's go through the list, shall we~?

Jack. He can be a little... How to say it... Bipolar? One minute he's got this decision, the next he's got that decision. However, this does highlight the fact that he actually considers things. When he decides something, he decides it with all his heart.

Teddy! Ah, Teddy. He rambles on forever. But he's a really good storyteller.

Dionysus can be a little over the top. But it's fun and if I ever need somebody to help me get rid of the stress of the day, I can count on him.

Wolfe~. I don't want to say bad things about my snuggle buddy, but he can be such a downer. Still, I just use this as a way of seeing the fact that, despite being all down in the dumps sometimes, he pushes all that aside when I need him.

Oh, best for last, eh? Poseidon, Poseidon, Poseidon... What to do with you? Just take a look at the blog. There's so many faults I could pick as an example. How about them all? I'm not going to list them. But I'll sum it up good: I love every single little annoying thing he does and I've got no idea why.

This is something I'm pretty sure has to do with the fact I was smacked in the head with a baseball bat as a small child. Not a wooden one, either, a metal one.
Currently Here
Males: Soturi, Kyo, ???
Females: Amarina
Dormant: Megumi, Melina, Neji, Sparrow, TenTen

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