Sunday, July 10, 2011


I say 'ill' for a reason. I'm feeling worse than sick right now. Something, I dunno what, is seriously upsetting my body, and I should go see a doctor, but I kinda can't. It's not really worth complaining about, I guess, but I'm still going to. It's my blog, I'll do what I want on it! Anyway... Yeah. So I should go see a doctor, but I can't.

Why can't I? Good question! I can't because I have no way of getting to the clinic. Why don't I have a way of getting to the clinic? Because my parents are out of town. Oh, but don't you have a grandfather who's only too eager to please? Yes, but he's constantly out of the house this weekend. So my whatever has been steadily getting worse and better at the same time. I say worse and better because some things have improved while others have worsened. I think there's only been improvement because I've adjusted to the discomfort.

But what's wrong with me? Well, I'm not really quite sure. What I do know is that it's extremely painful to swallow and breath. My throat's swollen and sensitive to the touch. It feels sorta like the arteries in my neck are going to explode. And I've got a killer migraine constantly and that sickly feeling. Oh and hot/cold spells. You know where you're way too warm, but you're freezing? Yeah, those. Not fun!

On another note... Jones? The new boyfriend? Yeah, I'm thinking of breaking up with him. I get the feeling he only likes me 'cause he wants to get in my pants. I'm gonna call him on it next time I talk to him. I'll be like "So why do you love me?" and he'll probably say something about how pretty I am. Or something else really cheesy.

And telling me he loves me before we've even technically been on a date? Uh-huh...

Excuse me if you don't agree that's reason enough to dump a guy.

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