Saturday, March 12, 2011

Finally something has happened that is worth talking about. Yesterday, I officially quit swimming. Bullshit. Sorry, that was a bad word. Anyway, yeah, so I finally gave in. I can't deal with dad's crap anymore. Ugh, I just got a disgusted feeling. In all honesty, I am revolted by my father. But I shouldn't get into why. I'll just say he's the reason for a lot of my fears.

Another thing that happened. My best friend Cookie is in Japan right now. I was so terrified. I thought that she was going to die. Luckily, her plane got to Japan just as the earthquake was starting. So they had to fly around for six hours as destruction reigned below. Lucky doesn't cut it. But I was so terrified. I thought she was going to have died or something, and I'd have never forgiven myself. We were in a bit of a fight, I guess.

But not any more! We're all good.

So... I'm kinda stuck on things to do for sports. I'm going to try out for the tennis team on Wednesday... And I'll be going running every weekend... And I'll get a membership to the gym... And as the weather gets better, I'll bike more. But what am I supposed to do with all this free time I have now? I'm really inexperienced with free time. It's a little frightening to have so much time and nothing to use it for.

Homework is done way too fast.

So, if you have any ideas... Drop a comment? Much appreciated.

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