Tuesday, March 22, 2011


So I'm kinda, sorta, really in a lot of pain. A lot! It sucks because pain medication isn't working. Perhaps I should explain this... But first I'll start by saying that I'm sorry for not writing and stuff. I was up at the ski hill and there wasn't internet connection. So... Yeah.

Anyway, at the ski hill, I got in a couple really bad accidents. The first time I had to go to the hospital. I got to ride in an ambulance, which would've been great, but the plastic thing they strapped me to (yes, strapped), was really uncomfortable. And there was a screw or something jabbing me in the back of the head which gave me a really bad head ache. And I was in a lot of pain. So it wasn't all that fun.

Anyway, the accident. I had been trying to avoid a little kid and I was going really, really fast. So I tried using my front edge to just slip around him without hurting the little guy. Unfortunately, snow conditions were crap, for lack of a better word. Seriously. This stuff was hard as cement and really hard to board on. So I wound up air born and then I was coming down hard on my shoulder. I flipped, like, three times at least. The paramedics called this cartwheeling. It was really painful. Anyway, surprisingly, I didn't lose consciousness. I think I would've been much happier had I passed out. I couldn't breath properly and the right side of my body felt like it was on fire. So I was screaming in pain and people are just going right along past me.

What the hell?!

I'm lying there screaming for help and they just go about their marry way! Excuse me for saying it, but that was a bit rude. Anyway, a guy finally stopped and was like "Are you ok?" and in my head I was really mean and was thinking, "Oh, yeah, of course I'm fine! I just feel like lying here and screaming bloody murder!" All I could get out was a feeble and strained "help me". Anyway, he got a friend and they went off to get help. My friend showed up and stayed there with me. Some lady came along and said she was a paramedic. So she helped me out and prepped me a bit for what was to come. Then the ski patrol guys showed up and jabbed at me. It hurt and was really annoying. I had to be brought to the first aid station in one of those sled things. Really uncomfortable, by the way. Then I got this huge needle stuck in my arm for the IV. I swear it's going to scar! It's a big hole! Back to the story. Ambulance took me to the emergency and the nurse was really nice. Then I had to wait in the emergency room for four hours. I really had to pee. Like, really bad. That IV thing? I'd already had two of those. Two litres! Yeah. Then the doctor comes and he was mean. Really, really, really mean. He was shouting at me and made me cry harder than I already was from the pain. Then he storms off grumbling and the nurse comes back. She says that somebody will be there soon to take me to get X-Rays.

X-Rays?! Why couldn't they just let me go home?! Give me some pain meds?!

But the X-Ray lady was really nice. She took a bunch of scans of my neck, chest and shoulder. X-Rays were cleared and they let me go home after shooting me full of pain medication. Unfortunately, it wasn't the kind that made you high.

Because that would've been interesting.

So! The second accident is a lot lamer than that long story up there. I was being snapped at by everybody to keep my speed down and be careful because of the first accident. And since I had been kinda distracted by talking to my friend about my plans for Saturday (a bunch of my friends and me are going to see Red Riding Hood), I wasn't really paying much attention. So I had to slow down. As I swung around to stop, I hit a bump.

Not good. At all. Ever. Under any circumstances.

The bump got me air born, I leaned forward slightly, my front edge caught in the hard-as-rock snow and I flew through the air, banging up everything that was already banged up. Again. Ugh. I couldn't breath again, everything was pain, people wanted to call the ambulance and all I could do was snap at them to not call anybody.

I hadn't forgotten the extreme pain from having to go to the bathroom so badly.

I doubt I ever will.

So, yeah, I'm in a hell of a lot of pain for another good month. Whoop-de-do.

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