Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Silent Music

Sometimes, I really love life. If I could life like I do during spring break all the time, life would be perfect. I've got my music, my writing, the comfort of my bed... I don't know what would make this better than it already it.

Well, alright, there is one thing. A really sexy maid. Or a really sexy butler. Either works. So, if it isn't too much trouble..? Ha, joking, joking! But seriously, that'd be awesome. Then again, somebody to chat with would be great too.

So, I've got a theory about how to stop the pain from my accidents. If I just never move again, I'll be just fine. And to keep from gaining weight, I just won't eat. It's fool proof. Except for the fact that I'll die if I don't eat and/or drink. So maybe I should get out of bed and actually go eat something. It's, like, noon! And I still haven't eaten. Then again, I'm not all that hungry.

Ok, I'm lying. I'm famished.

I just don't want to eat.

Why? Too lazy to get up, go downstairs, and make myself something.

I'm just that cool.

So, I think I started writing this entry with a purpose, I've just forgotten what it was now. I think I was going to talk about something... But I seem to have forgotten it. Shame, it was something really epic.

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