Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thank You

Dear you...
It's ok, you know. I understand that you're confused.
I don't think you'll ever read this, but I want you to
know that I will always be here for you. No matter
what happens. I have a new reason to live, and I really
should thank you for that. You taught me a lot. It's
going to be a really slow process, but I know that I'll
get out of the hole I've dug myself into these past years.

I'm still really scared. I don't know what I'm doing. But
I'm getting better. I'm a little less forgetful and a little
more carefree. Things don't weigh as heavily on my mind.
At least, they don't constantly. I still have my chamber of
secrets, little whispers in the back of my mind. I'll be sure
to keep your secret safe, as well as all the others people
have entrusted to me. Maybe, with time, I'll forget them.
If I'm lucky, when people find the answer to these secrets,
they'll fade in me as they do in them. Maybe there will be
a time when these secrets won't be secret anymore. Until
that time, though, I want you to know that because of you,
I can be strong. I can live with this burden, and I find it a lot
easier than it once was. I can live a little more selfishly.

I still miss you. A lot. And I still wish you were here. But if
all I ever get is to talk to you once in a while... I think I can
live with that. If you're happy, I can be happy, and that's all
I really know for sure. I have a lot of fears, I have a lot of heavy
troubles. But I'm going to work at facing these demons. I'm sure
that I will concur them. Writing this letter to you... Already
it's helping my heart heal a bit. All the little pieces... They're
holding up. For now. I'm going to need help during this... And
I know that I can't necessarily count on you to help me. But I
have friends who are here for me and a roof over my head. I'll
just live day by day. I'll try to stop looking so far into the future.
Maybe I'll stop getting my hopes up so high, eventually. Maybe.

But... Thank you. For everything. It means everything to me.

I miss you.

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