Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It's what I should be doing right now. But, of course, I'm procrastinating. Which means I'll be up, like, all night working on this stuff. Sigh. My head hurts. But on a positive note, my shoulders seem to be getting better. The original injury in '09 doesn't bother me much anymore and the injury from last November doesn't bother me too much. I get an occasional spike, but that's all. And the latest one is improving on both sides. I can only swim for an hour each day, it's true, but it's getting better. I feel that it's stronger... Still, it frustrates me. So much. I can't go as fast as I would like to.

On a new note, I'm really into art lately. The blog "blow at life" has a lot of brilliant artwork. Those art fans out there may like to check it out. And for something funny, the blog "Hyperbole and a Half" is a popular one. Thought I'd mention them.

Yawn... I'm staring at my bed longingly. I wish I could just crawl in and go to sleep, but I have work I need to do. How lame... And now I'm turning into Shikimaru from Naruto, it seems. Did I spell his name right? Ah, whatever. Too lazy to check.

I'll leave you with a poem.

Leave me on the curb
on a moonless winter night
in the care of heartless November

Push aside the burden
of my worthless existence
and live free of aches and pains

Even if I am to suffer
I hope for you to stand tall
and give another hope for happiness

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