Wednesday, April 6, 2011


So I'm kinda sorta just a LITTLE bit hyper right now! Just warning you. So I apologize for spelling mistakes. I don't even know why I am on here. Was talking to Poseidon and he was blogging and I was like "OH NOES! I HAVE NOT BLOGGED!" so I thought I'd so you all the torture of writing yet another entry! Yay! Sarcastic cheer! You are all not looking forward to my ramblings, as usual! Whoop! Dance! Party. Yeah...

So tonight Poseidon, Artemis, Disonyus (however his name is spelt; Greek God of wine), maybe Aphrodite, and I are going to this Younglife thing that Poseidon and wine-God were talking about a couple days ago. Anyway, yeah, Poseidon's giving me and ride and I'm really excited! And hyper! And Poseidon says I'm only going to get more hyper!

Which may or may not be good. I dunno. We will see! Smile! Laugh! Yay!

So I'm listening to a song I've never heard before. It's pretty epic. I really like it. It's called "Too Young" by a really awesome band called "The Secret Handshake" that I think all of you should listen to! So yeah! Just some music for ya there!

I've written a few poems today. They're alright. I keep writing haikus for some reason. I don't really know why. Maybe it's some psychological thing? Probably not.

Well, things at home are... Crap. I guess that's the best way to sum it up. I spend all my time at parties, friends' places, or in my room. Yeah. Since this is the internet, I guess I can't really say the details. But yeah... Things are... Tough. I'll survive, though. I've survived this long, haven't I? Sometimes I miss swimming. It was an escape for a couple hours each day and good stress relief. But now I can escape to friends' places more, so I think that's a good thing to take the place of it. And I watch what I eat, so I don't worry too much about gaining weight. I'm surprised how easy it has been to keep under 130 pounds lately. I just have to be careful! Although I do tend to have a Pepsi each day... I should stop that and just drink tea, yeah?

I'll try.

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