Tuesday, April 19, 2011


It's been quite some time since I've written. Not much has happened, I suppose... But I did make one fatal mistake that is really one of those things where it just keeps smacking you over the head every chance it gets... Yeah. I went camping.

I think we all know how this should've ended.

Surprisingly, camping went well. I didn't fall off a cliff, although I nearly did numerous times. No, what the fatal mistake was, was the fact that I went camping when I was fully aware that I was facing impending sickness. My mom's got this awful cold and she's always coughing and sniffling and raging headaches 24/7... Yeah, the whole shebang. And I was doing pretty good at not catching this cold! Until I decided that camping when it's cold and wet is a really, really good idea. Yeah. I'm a smart one.

So, not surprisingly, I got sick. I've been taking zinc and a variety of medications, so I didn't get hit too hard... But this pesky little cold I've got now is determined to bit me in the ass every opportunity it gets. My english teacher even commented that I sounded/looked absolutely terrible. What a lovely pick-me-up when you're feeling a little blue and just wishing the day were over!

I'm being a cynical, PMSing, teenage high school girl. Bare with me. Because like the cynical, PMSing, teenage high school girl I am, we all know that this rant is going to get very superficial, very fast. Like... Right about now.

So all day I was had this pesky tickle in my throat and sniffles and right when it was getting better, the stupid little cold decides to team up with my conscious to get me. After school I had the perfect opportunity to kiss my boyfriend and I couldn't take it.

If you have to ask why, you're a failure at life.

Of course, once he leaves, Artemis goes and smacks me over the head for not taking the perfect opportunity after my moping all last week about not having any opportunities to get some lip-action. I made some lame excuse about having just eaten something or whatever because my brain was no longer working at this point and all I knew was that I needed to get home right that second to get more medication. My head's killing me right now. I just can't wait for this cold to get gone.

Anyway... Brighter note! I finally set up a doctor's appointment... Next Thursday before the dance at Poseidon's school and right after I get out of class. Actually, I think I might end up having to get a note to get out early. The appointment is at 3:45 and I get out of class at 3:25. Takes, like, half an hour to get to the doctor's office...

You might be wondering exactly why I'm going to the doctor's or you've just assumed it's to get my cold looked at. I'm going to tell you now that, no, I do not go to the doctor for every little thing. If I have a cold, I deal with it myself. No need to sit around the waiting room for an hour just to sit in the examination room for another two hours to have a short talk with the doctor for 15 minutes. I'm going to get started on the pill. I'm actually really happy about this. Solve my terrible PMS~.


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