Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lazy Mornings

I finished his present, finally. I hope he likes it... Enough of that.

So, I had a really wonderful moment just a couple minutes ago. I was walking around my room, 'cause I'm cool like that, and passed my mirror and was struck by the fact I look really pretty today, even though I'm wearing baggy sweat pants and my hair's up in a pony tail. It was really nice to have that thought... I feel really confident right now. To say the least, it's a nice feeling.

Dad's taking me to go buy a running vest... I don't really think it's necessary, but he wants to buy me one, so who am I to complain? I'm not entirely sure we'll find one, either. Oh, that reminds me, I have to do my P.E. homework... That reminds me that I have socials homework. Maybe I can get the notes on the Union Act from my friend. I can get the assignment done faster that way... Then I just need some pictures.

Well, anyway, today's a pretty good day. But this morning at workout had a really bad moment. My shoulder's hurting me again... And when I got out of the water to do some exercises to get it all balanced out again, my coach got mad at me. He let me do the exercises, though, because he got mad after when I took so long. I missed half of the set we'd been doing as a result... But that's better than screwing myself up again, right? Anyway, I'm pissed at him for not listening to me like he promised to do. He just ignored what I was trying to say like every other adult around this place. Ugh. So I'm kinda really mad at him. And I think I might never trust him now. Ugh. UGH! Hnn...

Ah, well, I guess I gotta go. Um... Random fact of the day... Hm. Ah it's on the tip of my tongue!! Ummmmm!!!!!!!! Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, so it's that, um... UGH I FORGOT!

Wait I remember! When you die, your hair still grows for a couple months!

Weird, eh?

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