Sunday, February 20, 2011


I know I should be sleeping, but I wanted to write... Even though I don't know what about. I'm listening to the song "In Sleep" by Lissie and other than that, the house is really quiet. I can hear the occasional car outside, the creaking of the house... But that's all. I like it. But despite the fact that I should be feeling peaceful right now, I'm really tense and wound up. I'm just a mix of emotions right now... Damn I hate being a girl.

I feel... Exhausted. Mentally. I just... I've had a really bad headache for the past few days and I just feel terrible. I'm frustrated and really short-tempered lately. Usually I can be really patient, but I'm just snapping at everybody and taking out my anger on people who haven't done anything wrong. I don't even really know why I'm so frustrated...

I hate that. I don't even know anything about myself...

Last night I got thirteen hours of sleep, but I'm still exhausted. Why? I really wish I knew the answer. I hope I'm not sick... Or something worse.

Ah, my head's killing me more than usual again. Nn... Best I go.

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