Thursday, February 3, 2011


My mother and I have agreed that it isn't that I'm unmotivated to swim, I'm just uninspired, which I personally figure adds up to the same thing. Due to not having support at home, I find myself with no inspiration to try hard at the things I do in life. My dream is still to go to the Olympics, yes, but...

Well, you probably get the idea. No inspiration for that dream and no support at home... It equals me figuring "what's the ******* point" and not trying. At all. Ugh.

Still sick, too... I've got the bug that's going around. Some... Norwall stomach flu or something like that. I don't really know the name. Anyway, a couple days of extreme stomach ache and headaches, followed by a day of hurling up your guts. Pleasant, eh?

I fear my time is nearing... Ugdskajcheigm... Not a nice thing.

Just got some shudders goin' there. Yeah.

As for school work... I'm hoping my friend will be able to bring it to me. We're in the same classes, so... Yup. Well, except for English, 'cause I'm in a grade level up... Hope the teacher won't be too harsh on me. I do call in sick each day... I think. Do I?

Ugh, my head hurts too much...

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