Thursday, February 10, 2011


OK! Horoscopes and fortune cookies can be scary sometimes! Like yesterday. My fortune cookie said I was going to get what my heart desired. Then the wish I made at 12:34 came true! It was freaky... Because they rarely come true... Anyway today is saying that the best prediction of the future is the past! I'm kinda like "eheheehe heeeennnn.... WHAT?!" even though that makes no sense at all. It does in my head, ok?!

So I'm really freaked right now. New topic.

Swimming's going good? Things are smooth, I love the workouts way more than my old group, it's harder... Um... Only bad part is that now they start at quarter to four, so I can't hang around after school. Except Fridays. But those don't really matter, do they, because he isn't there and it's goddamn unfair.

Ok, that's a little harsh. This is just me being a tired psycho, pay no heed~! And I might as well be getting to school now... Just realized I didn't do my math...

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