Wednesday, February 23, 2011


. : The world is in white : .
. : And it is quiet tonight : .
. : In this icy cold : .

Just a random haiku for ya'll. It's about the snow outside... Yeah, it snowed. A lot. It was suppose to be a couple centimetres... Turned into about five or six inches. Absolutely wonderful, considering I have to drive/walk through the stuff. Ah, oh well. I'm Canadian, so it's all good. We're prepared for this sort of thing, after all. But... It's February. And here on the island, you don't get snow in February. It's frankly unnatural. We're supposed to be seeing the first buds of spring right now, instead we're getting half a foot of snow on our heads! But... It is really, really pretty. Everything is quiet and white and... Mm, I love this weather. It makes me believe in good things to come. And it puts me in a poetry mood, too.

Ah... So tired, so sleepy. But I have to go swimming in about ten minutes. I need to wake up! Um... Tea? No, I had a lot already. And hot chocolate will just make me more sleepy. Coke? Nah, the sugar won't help me. If anything, it'll make me more tired. And I really don't need that... Hmm... If you have any methods for waking up other than a face full of fluffy white snow, drop a comment. Your ideas are appreciated.

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